Herbal Therapy
Herbal Therapy
Herbal therapy is based on classical Chinese herbal medicine that has been practiced safely and effectively for over 2000 years.
An herbalist can determine disorders of the body by observing the patient’s tongue and face for signs that indicate sickness. A pulse reading will be taken from the patient’s wrist and abdomen to determine imbalances between Qi-energy, blood and other energies such as yin and yang within different organ systems.
A customized herbal formulation is then prescribed which consists of several different single herbs created for each patient’s personal condition according to their condition. This will treat the root cause of their disease and relieve any unpleasant symptoms.
Herbal formulations can be prepared for patients in traditional raw form. Raw herbs are boiled in water to extract the active medicinal ingredients into a decoction. They are also available in pre-extracted granules that can be dissolved in hot water and taken as instructed.
Medicinal teas are typically taken 2-3times a day with the duration depending on each individual’s situation. Patients usually return for follow up assessments to adjust their formulation after any improvements and changing symptoms. Following up and adjusting the formulation is important to improve efficacy, minimize side effects and prevent habituation where the body adapts to the formulation and results start to plateau.
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